Welcome to the Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience

Foto: Hereon/Frank Bierstedt
The Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience, which was established in the beginning of 2013, is a collaboration between the Institute of Active Polymers of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Teltow, the University of Potsdam, and the Freie Universität Berlin.
The PhD program of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience offers an international, interdisciplinary training in fundamental and application-oriented scientific research in the field of macromolecular and biomaterial science. Frontier research and innovative quality standards are achieved by an interdisciplinary mentoring committee selected individually for each PhD student in addition to a structured and quality-oriented curriculum with a broad variety of teaching lectures in the main research areas.
The state of the art research facilities at the Institute of Active Polymers and the partner universities allow a unique combination of cutting edge research with outstanding modern technology in an internationally oriented environment.
The research training is supplemented with soft-skills courses and opportunities for career development to foster the personal and scientific development of the PhD students, which are important for further positions in science, industry or science management.
The official language of the program is English. The Graduate School provides scholarships and travel funding and offers a regularly attended coordination office supporting the PhD students.